Concept: Travel Sites for People Like Me

There are plenty of travel recommendation sites that tell you about popular destinations in an area, action-packed excursions, and events where thousands of like-minded people gather to have a good time.

But I don’t want any of that.

I want a travel site that caters to my interests: pretty, temperate spaces in which I can eat food and read a book with minimal human interaction. I want a company to use all that ill-gotten phone GPS data to send me somewhere remote enough that I can go full hours without seeing other people, but not quite so remote that if I fall no one will find my body until it’s too late.

Anxiety’s been on the rise in America for years, so I KNOW there’s a market for this kind of service. There’ve got to be plenty of people like me out there: you know, people who feel gross confronted with the very idea of an airport. I’m talking about people who say, “Thanks, you too,” when wait staff tells them to enjoy their meal. There must be legions of people whose ideal form of travel is taking their living room with them to mountains, beaches, and other continents.

It’s time for a travel site to bring all my kind of people together. And by “bring together,” I of course mean “distribute us around a map such that we don’t have to interact with each other, or ideally anyone at all.”

When some enterprising company finally connects with this untapped market, they’ll help realize a dream: a dream of seeing the wonders of the world without ever making awkward eye contact with another living soul.

I would Shark Tank this idea in a second, but the aforementioned anxiety is something of an obstacle. Still, an introvert can dream.


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