Advice on Author Biographies

When you get right down to it, writing is a business. Sure you want it to be art. Sure it would be wonderful if it were about the free act of creation. But when it comes to your book being delivered to a reader’s eyes, you need business savvy to make that happen. You need a brand.


An essential part of this process, I’m told, is the author biography. People don’t just want to read anyone’s book. They want you, you the author, to be a story! It gives you a definite edge if readers find out that you’ve overcome impossible odds or honed your writing skills in a forbidden monastery whose name must not be spoken.


So, for those whose life stories probably aren’t going to award you an Oscar-winning biopic, I’ve prewritten some free author biographies you can feel free to use to give your portfolio a kick.


-       [Author Name] is the seventh son of a seventh son. Despite the folklore that such a child would be born a wizard, he has devoted his arcane studies entirely to the written word. Beginning at age twelve, he started publishing his stories in a local newspaper that he delivered (by stapling them to the back page; he was subsequently fired). He cannot produce fire with a word (or even with sticks and a flintlock igniter, he was never very outdoors-y), but he can transport you to the far reaches of the universe with his unique, engaging style. He also attended Ohio State University.


-       [Author Name] was born deep in the arctic tundra on a night where the stars were said to sing. Her first lines of poetry were carved into ice floes to be appreciated only by rare, fortunate fishers and the occasional polar bear. She published her first novel in 2015 and reached the top of the North Pole Times Bestsellers List. She now lives in Ecuador with her wife and children, only occasionally pining for horizons of endless white. Follow her on Twitter at [Twitter Handle]



-       [Author Name] is an enigma. Their name is only spoken in hushed tones in secret rooms. Some say they are a ghost. Some say they are as much a fiction as the books that claim their name. Some say they are “A talented debut novelist whose sweeping narrative will bring readers to tears, and, perhaps, to truth…” [Author Name] is also known for their vegan cooking blog, which you can find here: [website link, even stronger if you can make the name some kind of vegetable pun]


And there you have it. A series of author biographies worthy of your finest works. Use them well and pay it forward. I need to get back to my forbidden monastery to finish my current manuscript.


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