Earth Day is Cancelled

As you may or may not know, tomorrow, April 22nd, marks Earth Day, a holiday just past its 50th anniversary (it started back in 1970). The holiday is celebrated by over 1 billion people.

earth day.jpg

But not me.

Sure, Earth Day advocates say it's about driving meaningful action to protect our planet. They pretend to be all about climate advocacy and education and taking all the elementary schoolers outside to plant a single tree (thanks, kids; we're saved!). Sure, maybe corporations use the day to pretend they care about the planet while choking it with pollution that they could easily reduce if it didn't cost them money, but that's not Earth Day's fault. Earth Day's a day of everyone coming together to be thankful for the planet we live on, right?


It's time someone called out Earth Day for what it is:


Last I checked, there were FOUR nations living in harmony, not ONE, and yet in the past fifty years, has Google ever changed its logo for FIRE DAY, WATER DAY, or AIR DAY? Of course not.

“It is important to draw wisdom from many places” -Lord Iroh, Philosopher/Tea Aficionado

“It is important to draw wisdom from many places” -Lord Iroh, Philosopher/Tea Aficionado

Let's look at FACTS, shall we?


FACT: Pollution doesn't just affect the ground. It affects our oceans and rivers, our sky, and the extent to which I'm allowed to burn trash without being made out to be a monster. So why is this "climate advocacy" day only focusing on dirt?

FACT: The Earth Kingdom is by far the most over-represented area in the Avatar-verse. Two thirds of the original series is spent traveling through the Earth Kingdom, and roughly half of the Legend of Korra takes place there as well. When will the internet call out this bias, now working its way into our mainstream holidays, for what it is?

FACT: The Earth Kingdom's history is RIFE with propaganda. Does "there is no war in Ba Sing Se" sound familiar to anybody? How about "there are no Air Benders here?" The Earth Kingdom pushes its agenda at any cost. I'll bet next year's Earth Day activity is to go clean up Lake Laogai! Connect the dots, people!

There is no Water, Fire, or Air Day? Where have I heard that one before?

There is no Water, Fire, or Air Day? Where have I heard that one before?

And where's the Avatar on this issue? How are you going to tell us you represent all nations, and also the spirit world (which at the very least gets Spirit Week twice a year at most American schools) and then dedicate a holiday to one, but not the rest.

I'm sorry, but I just can't stomach it anymore. Earth Day just isn't what it claims to be, and until the four elements are as widely cherished and celebrated as Earth Day, I just can't be bothered. Someone else will have to take out my recycling. I'm just too distraught.


Pitch, Please Eleven


Vaccine Fatigue