Live Your Dreams

I had a dream not too long ago that I feel compelled to share. One of my books was being optioned as a movie in Hollywood. It had the giddy, dreamy excitement where everything seems very fast and busy, even if you’re not entirely sure what’s going on: lots of pointing at laptop screen and people nodding.


I’ve never been to Hollywood, which is probably why in my dream it was just a lot of sunshine and tall glass windows. People seemed very supportive and friendly. This was what all those hours of writing were for.


My wife and I sat across the desk from a producer. He pulled out a piece of paper and started scribbling down some numbers, telling us: “This is what we can offer. Here’s what makes sense to go to your house payment. This number’s for a car. This number is for your savings.”


Scribble, scribble, scribble. He put the note face down and put it on the desk. My wife nodded at me. I picked up the sheet very carefully, and looked at the author.


On the scrap of paper were a dozen zeroes… and absolutely no other numbers.


“You only make money if we sell the thing,” the producer said, breezily. Then, as an afterthought: “We don’t think we can sell it.”


It’s fantastic to know that my subconscious believes in me. Here’s hoping next time I think to ask for an advance. 2 hallucinations out of 5, it was fun while it lasted.


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