More D&D Character Ideas

Dungeoning and/or Dragoning lately? Need some more ideas for characters? Look no further! Why be a paint by numbers (numbers 1 to infinity are in beige) half-orc barbarian when you could instead be one of these fantastical beings?

A Necromancer Wizard/Cheerleader: Why should commanding the unnatural divide between life and undeath be just for old dudes with bad hygiene? I want to see a Necromancer Wizard as a young woman with plenty of pep and cheer, shouting out spells like, "Give me an R! Give me an I! Give me an S! Give me an E! What's that spell? Rise! Rise! Rise!" We need a character whose goal isn't to achieve immortality, but to raise enough zombies to finally manage the human pyramid of her dreams.

A Chip-Monk: Lots of D&D campaigns have changed out the regular player character races for cuddly animals, like the Humblewood homebrew races and the awesome new "Mice and Murder" season of Dimension 20. So It's high time someone creates a chipmunk who's taken the monk class. Can you imagine a little chipmunk in robes, using her Ki to summon spiritual paws to help her shove acorns in her mouth and defend her tree? Adorable. Somebody get on this important work!

Dimension 20 is Dungeons and Dragons that lets the fur fly.

An Elf Ranger/Influencer: Rangers are all about traveling the outskirts of society looking for adventure. There's something noble and heroic about that idea... that could be completely undermined by a spoil rich elf taking selfies in some of the most dangerous locations on Faerun and then Messaging his friends "#findyourmountain, #blessed" I'd love to see a truly insufferable rich kid tourist (maybe a beast master who has a separate account for his animal companion to score sponsorship deals) just blundering into adventures and live-scrying them to his fans back home. Characters don't have to be heroic: they just have to be fun.


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