Virtual Teaching Pros and Cons
When schools closed briefly last year, I couldn't have possibly imagined an entire year online. Now I've been teaching the vast majority of my students virtually for over a year, and it looks like some version of it will be around at least one more year, if not for the foreseeable future. So, take it from me, a virtual education veteran, there's pros and cons to a classroom on the internet. Let's look at a few.
Little germ bags (a.k.a. students) are far away from me.
I can't see their reactions to my hilarious jokes with their cameras off.
Virtual learning has forced us to slow down, assign fewer assignments, and accept late work, which gives kids a better chance to succeed.
Someone has to grade all that late work, and I, tragically, am a someone.
"Live" time where we're together in a meet and "non-live" time for solo work build in more work time for students and teachers.
Work time is easy to replace with "snack time," "nap time," or "I know there's a project due, but I'm all good, thanks" time.
My professional dress standards have loosened, and I've never felt freer.
Kids razz me for bundling up in a blanket while I teach when I KNOW THEY'RE WRAPPED IN A BLANKET AT HOME.
Kids who like virtual learning thrive. The schedule’s more flexible, and they can take time for frequent brain breaks.
It's really hard to support the kids for whom virtual learning just isn't working out.
We all got to sleep in a little bit.
It reminds us how terrible school start times were to begin with.
No more easy-to-lose papers.
A day of school has me feeling like this:
What about you? What are your biggest highs and lows after a year online? Respond with a comment, or message me directly via Ouija board.