Order Update - Shipment Delay

We’re sorry to inform you that due to supply chain issues, the delivery estimate for the following orders have delayed. The new delivery date for each item is indicated below. We apologize for this inconvenience, and we wish you a peaceful holiday season.

Loop-de-loop Plane Original: 12/24, Revised: 12/28

Hula Hoop Original: 12/24, Revised: 12/30

Hippopotamus Original: 12:25, Revised: We’re sorry to inform you that due to local exotic animal laws, this order has been indefinitely suspended.

Sable Original: 12/25, Revised: 1/5

‘54 Convertible (Light Blue) Original: 12/25, Revised INDEFINITE DELAY, BACK ORDER

Christmas Ornaments from Tiffany’s Original: 12/25, Revised 4/17 Why this delay? You placed a bulk order for diamonds, so this sale has been paused pending investigation by the IRS.

Yacht Original: 12/25, Revised: 5/31 Why this delay? See above note regarding IRS investigation. But “Yacht” buyers also loved: Atlas of Cayman Islands.

Platinum Mine (Deed) Original: 12/25 Revised Order cancelled by seller. Seller’s message: “They’re on to us. Rendezvous by sea at previously-agreed-upon destination ASAP.”

Once again, we apologize for any inconvenience these delays may cause. For free shipping on future purchases, click the link below to start your subscription. Terms, conditions, and legal action may apply.


A Psalm for the Wild-Built Review


Art I’m Thankful For (2022)