Pitch, Please Number Three

Welcome back to Pitch, Please, where I pitch sure-to-be film successes by inventing movie premises based on prompts that I write with a little help from my old friend, the internet. Last week’s prompt was:


Crime is rampant. People are scared. The city needs a hero. Ashley Ames seems like an ordinary teen, but with the awesome power of Invisibility, it’s her destiny to become the super hero Invisi-girl. But she’s about to face her greatest foe yet: Chronic Flatulence.


I know, I know. We could go for the low-hanging fruit there: a title like Silent but Deadly, a joke about sneaking up on some bad guys and the bad guys playing “who smelt it dealt.” But come on. I think we can do better. What about a hard-hitting teen drama about a girl who needs people to trust the hero she is, but can’t even trust her own stomach?


Let’s try…


Ashley Ames was wishing herself invisible long before her superpowers kicked in. It’s not her fault she inherited her mom’s lanky hair and her dad’s Irritable Bowel Syndrome, but she’s spent the last eight years trying to disappear at school. And in a big-city school like Metro High, sometimes disappearing is the best thing you can hope for.


But when those powers became literal and Ashley stumbles upon a human trafficking ring in her neighborhood, was she supposed to just walk away? It’s hard enough learning of the ropes of teen super-heroing and balancing class work, but how’s she supposed to do either when her stomach might turn traitor on her at any second? She’s got a semi-retired hero named Catspaw helping her out, sure, but only when he’s not drunk off his butt or reminiscing about the glory days.


Ashley’s been hiding her whole life. But when her friends are in danger and time is running out, crowds will MARVEL* as she steps out into the light as Invisi-Girl to get the job done, and Evil’s going to be sick to its stomach.


Coming this summer, No Guts, No Glory!


*Not associated with Marvel Films


Want to be a part of movie history? Feel free to help me fill in the blanks on this next prompt in the comments or on Twitter @SharpeWrites with the hashtag, #pitchplease.

Our next prompt:


Johnny Jones has waited for his chance, and now he’s ready to be your class president. There’s just one problem: he’s a _____________. It’s going to take more than posters and _______________ to win over a school known for its ______________. But with a little help, anything’s possible.


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