Sea of Stars Review

Sometimes, you just have to do an adventure.

Sea of Stars is a 2023 retro-inspired adventure RPG by Sabotage Studios. The retro inspirations for this game are largely famous, classic adventure games of the 1990’s; we’re talking games like Chrono Trigger, Earthbound, and Super Mario RPG.

I have played none of those games. But even so, I wasn’t immune to Ultimate-Move-level nostalgia barrage this game hit me with. Sabotage Studios set out to make a game as good as their memories of those classic RPGs, and from where I’m standing, they succeeded.

I mean, feast your eyes and ears on this.

The game follows Valere, Zale, and Garl, two chosen-one types and their cooler friend, on an adventure to save the world from poorly-named evil creatures. I mean, “Fleshmancer?” Come on.

The story is very much of a specific subset of a fantasy genre, one that presents itself as ultra-high stakes, but is fine with you spending hours doing mini-games while the world prepares to burn. The overarching “only you kids can save the world” narrative will not be winning a Hugo award next year.

But man, what a world to save. In all its pixel-y beauty, this game is a delight to explore. From spooky graveyards to sunny beaches to towering cities in the clouds, the environments vary wildly while giving each area its own vibe. Towns and villages have compact, charming designs that make you want to run in every door and see who’s waiting for you. Every hidden area has something useful waiting to reward your effort.

And while the big-picture story comes with an undeniable clunkiness, the little moments (a child going to extraordinary lengths to deliver a gift, a cruel, cowardly act years in the making, or an ultra-tense conversation between two very old former friends) shine. In those moments, the writing shows restraint, and it’s what the character’s aren’t saying that sticks with you.

What else? Combat is incredibly satisfying: turn-based with reflex elements to keep you on your toes. Puzzles that use simple on/off, push/pull mechanics stay fresh with new wrinkles throughout the game. And my friends are starting to get annoyed that I won’t shut up about this game, which should tell you something.

I’ve spent over 30 hours with Sea of Stars and enjoyed every, single one of them. And though the story has its flaws, this game gave me everything that I want from this genre of game. 5 campfire recipes out of 5. Available on Steam, Playstation, Xbox, and Switch.


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