Someone Has To Say It

We gotta get rid of these Easter pastel colors everywhere.

Pastels look like real colors that caught the flu. You know it. I know it. The Easter Bunny knows it, but he/she/they are in too deep to start changing now.

For those who do celebrate Easter as a religious holiday, think about it. You’re celebrating a betrayal, a violent death, and resurrection. How does the lightest shade of pink imaginable fit that narrative? This is an HBO story dressed in off-brand Sesame Street colors. I want to see blood red, deep blacks, and 30 different kinds of silver.

I’m not asking anyone to give up their annual over-eating (even if it’s those weird Peeps candies) or their bizarre fascination with hiding eggs. We just need to ditch this color scheme. It’s time. It’s past time.

And speaking of time, I will not be taking questions at this time. Good morning/afternoon/evening/night.


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