Yes aaaaaaaaand…

You know those two great tastes that shouldn’t taste great together? I’m talking French fries dipped in chocolate shakes and cheese with blueberry preserves (brie, though, I’m not a monster). I’ve found one of the genre equivalents of these concoctions: musicals and improv. The timing, motifs, and wordplay of a musical shouldn’t really work made up on the fly like an excuse for why you forgot someone’s birthday. But two Internet personalities make it look easy, and there names are Zach Reino and Jessica McKenna. They have a podcast called Off-Book: The Improvised Musical, where they write and perform scenes with such ease it will make you angry. They’ve also branched out to College Humor’s streaming service, Dropout, with an album of Welcome to Mountport (based on an episode of Game Changer) show called Play it By Ear. Check out this trailer:

Anyway, these are two very cool, very creative people speed running the performing arts on the regular, and you gotta check them out, or you’ll be missing out, just like… like…

Oh, whatever. It’s really hard to improvise a good joke. Leave it to the professionals.


Heathers (2014 Musical Recording) Review (Now on Roku)


Naming of the Beasts