Sci-Fi on Spotify

I’ve got a few different apps for audiobooks, but the free library included in Spotify Premium has impressed me more than once. I recently discovered that said library includes books from The Expanse series, which remains one of my favorite sci-fi series of all time. The show’s a lot of fun, too, but the books feel lightning quick, perspective-hopping on a series of adventures across the stars. Back when “Game of Thrones in space” was a compliment, that compliment was being thrown around a lot. I will say that I feel like the series delivers on GoT’s main promises (political intrigue, blood-soaked adventure, and a growing, semi-mythic threat shaping the series) a lot better than GRRM did. And again, if you have Spotify Premium, it costs you nothing to listen. Now go throw on Leviathan Wakes.


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